Create a document in MS Word
In this blog we discuss about create a document in MS Word.
Create a document
the File tab, click New.
· In the Search for online templates box, enter the type of document you want to create and press ENTER.
Add and format text
Place the cursor and type some text.
To format, select the text
· Then select an Option: Bold, Italic, Bullets, Numbering, and more.
Add Pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart, and more
Select the Insert tab.
· Select what you want to add:
Select Tables, hover over the size you want, and select it.
Select Pictures,
browse for the picture you want, and select Insert.
Online Pictures:
Select Online
Pictures, search and choose the picture you want, and select Insert.
Select Shapes,
and then select a shape from the drop-down.
Select Icons,
choose the one you want, and select Insert.
3D Models:
Select 3D Models, choose from a file or online source, go to the image you want, and select Insert.
Select SmartArt,
choose a SmartArt Graphic, and select OK.
Select Chart,
select the chart you want, and select OK.
Select Screenshot and
select one from the drop-down.